Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Lessons from Grilling

I hope every one had a great Indipendance day! We did, I'll be the first to tell you, I ate a little too much food. Anyways as I was thinking during my devotion today, I was reminded of my family cooking out. You see every year we cook out and when we finish eating we all pack into our cars and go to birmingham to see the fireworks. This year was no different except one thing....

This year my dad and brother decided that they were going to smoke the ribs. My brother has this huge grill (all you grill pros could explain it better) where you can smoke on one end and grill on the other end. So they get the fire going good and throw the ribs on the grill.... They never got done, we finally finished cooking all of the chicken, and hamburgers and such, so we ate and hurried out to our "spot" to see the show. the ribs were still not done when we got home. You see the problem was they were trying to do too much! they couldn't get the fire as hot as it needed to be because they would burn all of the other food that was being cooked on direct heat. so the ribs didn't get done!
Too often we try to do too many things, instead of focusing on the one thing that really matters, and the one thing usually suffers. Im reminded about the account in Matthew 14 when Peter got out of the boat and walked on water. As long as he was focused on Jesus he was okay, but as soon as he began to focus on the wind he began to sink.

Our dinner was rushed and the ribs never were eaten because they are still raw! Stay focused this week! get the fire hot enough to do the one thing, don't worry about the "chicken"; the "ribs" are better! Don't let the little things control your life, focus on what matters most, don't let the job infront of the family, don't let any thing infront of your relationship with God. make sure your flame is HOT, the heat is directed to the right stuff! Have a great Day!

Brandon D.

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